Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Next phase of life

Chem engineering??? 

Even though I got what I wanted, I mean like since it's my first choice, I feel really hesitant to accept the offer. Not like I could change my course or anything at this point of time, but I'm not sure if this is what I really want. 

Why did I pick it? Because I wasn't brave enough to take just a chemistry degree? For fear that I'll have to "wash test-tubes" for the rest of my life if I decided that teaching is not what I want? BIG QUESTION MARK!I think I chose it because that darn MOE website said chem eng grads can teach chem, phy, math and even D&T, up to JC level. I think I really am crazy, I don't really know what chem engineers really do.

I think I would like to work in pharmaceutical industries, but it seems like a chemistry degree is more relevant. GOSH, did I pick the wrong course??? :( I think I would enjoy washing test-tubes. Maybe I should've taken chemistry. I mean I think lab work would suit me. DO CHEM ENGINEERS WORK IN LABS??? 

Okay forget it. I shouldn't worry. My gosh, I think I really am crazy. Okay okay, must tell myself that my future is in God's hands.

OKAY ENOUGH OF CRAZY RANTS. I have something funny hahaha. One of my tutee asked me what course I'll be taking in Uni and I told her chem engineering. And she was like "Huh, what's that?" And so I said chem engineers can work in petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries(as quoted from the brochure, I hope it's true and I can find a job in pharmaceutical next time!!!). I think I will never forget her reply. "HUH you're gonna work at the petrol kiosk?!" Damn FUNNY. HAHAHA, I SURE HOPE NOT. 


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