Tuesday, May 8, 2012

FIRST driving lesson (Y)

I'm taking the easy way! Learning auto. I think I'm too blur to take manual anyway. : /

The first lesson was fun please! Plus my instructor is a really funny guy. I laughed a lot. :D 

When he was trying to show me my blind areas, you moved around the car and asked if I can see his toes. For the front of the car it was really a huge distance. So after that when he told me to get out to show me all the 4 sides, he said and I quote "Very large blind area means what? Means that the driver is very what?" 



And then he laughed and said he didn't say that and I was the one who admitted. HAHAHA. Nothing wrong with being short!  

Anyway he already commented that I was short when I had to pull the seat to the front. : / 

He's damn lame but it made the lesson really enjoyable. "Remember, E is enough, F is finish." WTS MANZZZZ. Hahaha. 

Actually I thought for the first lesson, I wouldn't start driving. Maybe like go through parts of the car. And yeah, we did do that. Then, we started the car and went forward and reversed a couple of times. THE HIGHLIGHT OF TODAY'S LESSON: Turning around bends!!! I was really afraid at first! And it's not easy to turn the steering wheel(that method of switching hands thingy....CONFUSES me). But I think I'm getting the hang of it, hopefully hahaha. 

I can't wait for my next lesson!!! THURSDAY, 7.30am!!! 

I booked like 10 prac lessons already! Spent 1k on driving already.OUCH OUCH OUCH. It's from my bank acct manzzzzz, cause you have to pay by nets. 


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