Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reflections on the past year (2015)

(Decided I should start blogging again as life gets busier(?) And when I'm old I can look back on all these memories and see how much I've grown)

In 2015, I've cried a lot but have also learned that things happen for a (good) reason and I'm grateful for the happenings in 2015.

First was the Industrial Attachment (IA) in the first half of the year. I remember after the first week, I came home crying and told my mum that working was really hard. I was the only intern, had to learn so much, and do so much because 2 colleagues quit their jobs, and one supervisor was really really intimidating. I really hated being alone. But at the end of it, I realised I learned a lot and that it's good to be exposed to terrifying people earlier lol. Otherwise I'll die when I really enter the workforce.

Then, it was FYP and I really hated it in the beginning because I have no mentor, and I have to do everything on my own and make decisions on my own. I have to look for things on my own, have to find ppl to teach me equipment on my own. And it really sucked. I must emphasize how much I hate working alone ok. But as my FYP progressed I really like the independence, and since almost anything goes for my prof, and no mentor means I rely have the freedom to decide a lot of things for my project which was great lol 'cause In the end I managed to finish the research just after mid December. I've finished writing my final report so now all that's left is the poster presentation in March (?).

In 2015, I struggled also with my beliefs. I don't know if I gave up on Him or he did. It bothered me a lot for obvious reasons but the busyness of the year helped and I guess I'm comfortable with life as it is now. Maybe someday I'll find an answer.

I had another disappointment when I can't get the only job I really really want. Why MOE, why don't you want me ): I was really really upset. It's like my dream is gone but I slowly got over it. So ok if things happen for a reason, my future job better be damn good and meaningful. Otherwise please let me be a taitai.

Goodbye 2015, while I cried a bucket load of tears this year, I emerged stronger and maybe just a little bit more independent. So here's to 2016 let it be a better year! And YAY to graduation in 4 months! :D

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