Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday brunch at Hilton Singapore

(While on the way to lunch last Sunday)

Joel is so pampered. Mum and dad misses him way too much. So off we went to Hilton for their Sunday brunch!  

There were quite a lot of food!! They had this entire table of different types of ham which is pretty cool, but I didn't eat any. My dad ate quite a fair bit though. He likes it with honeydew. Apparently it's tasty to eat them together because it's a mixture of saltiness and sweetness. But it's kinda weird for my liking, so I passed. 

(Looks kinda scary, doesn't it?) 

They had foie gras. Mum and bro both only took a tiny mouth though. I thought it was pretty good as it wasn't oily but it was not served hot. Still soft and melty nonetheless. 👍🏻

Their section with lobsters, prawns and oysters impressed me. But I don't really dare to eat oysters haha. None of my family ate. No photos of sashimi and sushi either but they were good!! Always my first to eat at buffets!!❤️❤️❤️

They had this live station where the Chef cooks maccheroncini with yabbies. It sounded so atas please. I didn't know both the words. But it's actually some kind of pasta with some kind of sea creature!! 

Yabbies looked kinda like prawn haha. The pasta was nice though, the cheese tasted yummy!! 

I had scotch eggs for the first time there too! No regrets haha. They put truffle oil in the sauce too 😍

There was also a live section where you can order tenderloins and lamb. Beef was so juicy!! I didn't like the lamb because I can't stand the smell :X but Dad enjoyed it. 

Then it was off to the desserts section!!! Huge selection of cakes and candy. But their caramel fountain wasn't turned on :( 
But they had this cool marshmallow which was oh so soft! 

Andddd they had macaronssss

I was disappointed as there were no ice cream :( But they had this dessert cooled by liquid nitrogen that once u put it in your mouth, smoke comes out of your nostrils and/or your mouth! Super cool sensation. (I posted a video of it on Instagram and a Friend thought I tried shisha lol😂)

After the buffet, we only had a short while left before sending joel to book in :( but it was still nice spending time with him! I played psych with him during the buffet. It was hilarious playing with his friends. Some of their answers are too funny  HAHAHA. 

Shall end with a family photo ❤️❤️❤️

Oh ya, I bought a cap from taobao for Joel. Looks good on him. Taobao is awesome <3 p="">

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Brother's 1st Bookout!

Yay it was recruit Joel's first bookout this (late) afternoon!🍾 It was so tough not seeing him for almost 3 weeks. Given that we share a room, once he's in tekong, I'm suddenly all alone, with no one to talk to when I come home :( But glad he's back for the short weekend! 

(But poor Joel's forehead is red because his army cap was too small but all is good because he was feasting on peanut pancakes in the car!!)

The day we sent him off was so sad. After he left I cried so much. But it was still a proud moment seeing my dear baby Brother stand there, ready for the next phase of his life! 

(photo on 4/1/16 feat. Joel's thick luscious hair) 

Alright, back to his first book out! I promised him Chin chow once he book out 'cause when he ordered chin how for dessert during Jie last civilian meal before his bmt starts, I "kope-d" quite a lot from him. And I feel terrible because I forgot :( but he told he had chin chow twice in Tekong. (Okay his next book out!! I'd better set a reminder!!)

We spent the night marathon-ing 4 sitcoms episodes and snacking on ice cream and CNY goodies. (Damn calories :/) Feels great to be chilling and spending time with the bro because design project has been really stressful :/ #woesofafinalyearstudent

Anyway, Joel told me he became more appreciative of things in the past three weeks. He said that whenever there's fried chicken or ice cream at meals, everyone cheers. He's already gotten bored of Tekong food lol. But from what I heard, it seems pretty good! He had a fish burger once for breakfast! Food in SG is boring too right lol. But yah I get that we have the freedom to choose but they can't, so Joel gets to choose everything we eat this weekend!! Gonna go for a buffet this Sunday :X I'm not gonna lose the weight I gained last Sem in time for CNY :/ 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reflections on the past year (2015)

(Decided I should start blogging again as life gets busier(?) And when I'm old I can look back on all these memories and see how much I've grown)

In 2015, I've cried a lot but have also learned that things happen for a (good) reason and I'm grateful for the happenings in 2015.

First was the Industrial Attachment (IA) in the first half of the year. I remember after the first week, I came home crying and told my mum that working was really hard. I was the only intern, had to learn so much, and do so much because 2 colleagues quit their jobs, and one supervisor was really really intimidating. I really hated being alone. But at the end of it, I realised I learned a lot and that it's good to be exposed to terrifying people earlier lol. Otherwise I'll die when I really enter the workforce.

Then, it was FYP and I really hated it in the beginning because I have no mentor, and I have to do everything on my own and make decisions on my own. I have to look for things on my own, have to find ppl to teach me equipment on my own. And it really sucked. I must emphasize how much I hate working alone ok. But as my FYP progressed I really like the independence, and since almost anything goes for my prof, and no mentor means I rely have the freedom to decide a lot of things for my project which was great lol 'cause In the end I managed to finish the research just after mid December. I've finished writing my final report so now all that's left is the poster presentation in March (?).

In 2015, I struggled also with my beliefs. I don't know if I gave up on Him or he did. It bothered me a lot for obvious reasons but the busyness of the year helped and I guess I'm comfortable with life as it is now. Maybe someday I'll find an answer.

I had another disappointment when I can't get the only job I really really want. Why MOE, why don't you want me ): I was really really upset. It's like my dream is gone but I slowly got over it. So ok if things happen for a reason, my future job better be damn good and meaningful. Otherwise please let me be a taitai.

Goodbye 2015, while I cried a bucket load of tears this year, I emerged stronger and maybe just a little bit more independent. So here's to 2016 let it be a better year! And YAY to graduation in 4 months! :D

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

FIRST driving lesson (Y)

I'm taking the easy way! Learning auto. I think I'm too blur to take manual anyway. : /

The first lesson was fun please! Plus my instructor is a really funny guy. I laughed a lot. :D 

When he was trying to show me my blind areas, you moved around the car and asked if I can see his toes. For the front of the car it was really a huge distance. So after that when he told me to get out to show me all the 4 sides, he said and I quote "Very large blind area means what? Means that the driver is very what?" 



And then he laughed and said he didn't say that and I was the one who admitted. HAHAHA. Nothing wrong with being short!  

Anyway he already commented that I was short when I had to pull the seat to the front. : / 

He's damn lame but it made the lesson really enjoyable. "Remember, E is enough, F is finish." WTS MANZZZZ. Hahaha. 

Actually I thought for the first lesson, I wouldn't start driving. Maybe like go through parts of the car. And yeah, we did do that. Then, we started the car and went forward and reversed a couple of times. THE HIGHLIGHT OF TODAY'S LESSON: Turning around bends!!! I was really afraid at first! And it's not easy to turn the steering wheel(that method of switching hands thingy....CONFUSES me). But I think I'm getting the hang of it, hopefully hahaha. 

I can't wait for my next lesson!!! THURSDAY, 7.30am!!! 

I booked like 10 prac lessons already! Spent 1k on driving already.OUCH OUCH OUCH. It's from my bank acct manzzzzz, cause you have to pay by nets. 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Next phase of life

Chem engineering??? 

Even though I got what I wanted, I mean like since it's my first choice, I feel really hesitant to accept the offer. Not like I could change my course or anything at this point of time, but I'm not sure if this is what I really want. 

Why did I pick it? Because I wasn't brave enough to take just a chemistry degree? For fear that I'll have to "wash test-tubes" for the rest of my life if I decided that teaching is not what I want? BIG QUESTION MARK!I think I chose it because that darn MOE website said chem eng grads can teach chem, phy, math and even D&T, up to JC level. I think I really am crazy, I don't really know what chem engineers really do.

I think I would like to work in pharmaceutical industries, but it seems like a chemistry degree is more relevant. GOSH, did I pick the wrong course??? :( I think I would enjoy washing test-tubes. Maybe I should've taken chemistry. I mean I think lab work would suit me. DO CHEM ENGINEERS WORK IN LABS??? 

Okay forget it. I shouldn't worry. My gosh, I think I really am crazy. Okay okay, must tell myself that my future is in God's hands.

OKAY ENOUGH OF CRAZY RANTS. I have something funny hahaha. One of my tutee asked me what course I'll be taking in Uni and I told her chem engineering. And she was like "Huh, what's that?" And so I said chem engineers can work in petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries(as quoted from the brochure, I hope it's true and I can find a job in pharmaceutical next time!!!). I think I will never forget her reply. "HUH you're gonna work at the petrol kiosk?!" Damn FUNNY. HAHAHA, I SURE HOPE NOT. 


Monday, April 16, 2012

Liar Game

Stupid bro made me hooked on this manga. But it's really cool. Psychological stuff. Like round one of the liar game you and your opponent each has 100 million yen and you have to try ur best to take the opponent's money. At the end of 30 days, the company's representative will come and collect back the 100 million they gave you, so like if you lost all your 100 million to your opponent, you will be in 100 million yen in debt. And like there's this honest girl who was chosen to play so she asked an ex convict for help, and he uses psychological methods. Anyway cool manga.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rainbow cake

Looks pretty but taste like ....

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Starting to rot at home, maybe.

Haven't blogged in a while. Haha. Too lazy. But now I'm too bored. BUT I'M WATCHING THE HUNGER GAMES TMR!

I think I'm weird, but I kinda hope Uni will start soon.


Sunday, March 11, 2012


Stole this from Cheryl's tumblr.


  • -the band group D.I.C.E was performing during BANDAGE 4-
  • valerie: eh the guy with glasses quite good looking. i like guys who wear glasses.
  • me: eh ya quite cute leh, not bad.
  • -later glasses guy appeared without glasses-
  • me: he doesn't look as cute without glasses...
  • valerie: ya he doesn't! he looks nicer with glasses!
  • me: omg they are younger than us right oh my goodness why are we having this discussion
  • me: omg we sound like paedophiles hahahaha

I must blog this so I'll rmb this next time HAHAHA. CHERYL IS JUST AS DISGUSTING.

p/s: I'm gonna do a post on how much i LOVE MG soon!!! '

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What next?

I think I'm gonna be a teacher. But somehow part of me feels very uncertain. SIGH.

Anyway, poor cheryl, she listens to me complain every single day in the staffroom. HAHA. Sometimes I say I wanna teach, and after awhile I'm against it, and then suddenly I'll want it again. So stupid. Cheryl is very intellectual (I HOPE YOU SEE THIS:) 'cause she said it's because I don't dare to be sure of what I want. Aiya, it just sounds very cool haha.

Anyway, I'm writing this for myself to remember that I've always wanted to be a teacher, so I should not get swayed by little little things.


(I'm actually blogging in the staffroom now, so sick of marking :S)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

you hold my world in the palm of your hand;

God has given me much more than I deserve. He has given me much more than what I give to him. Thank you. I told a friend and she told me to "Start giving." I'll do just that :)

I entered the hall but left shortly after, I was too afraid. In the few minutes that I was inside, at the corner of the hall, I prayed and ask for God to grant me peace. Even though I kept telling myself that God has a plan for my future, and I should not worry about this. But I can't stop worrying. So I left the hall and sat in the canteen with a friend. We went back at 3.15pm. I was still fearful. But I closed my eyes and prayed. Then I tried to focus, tried to calm myself down and then I heard my name being called. I was shocked; 5 distinctions. I went up; told my friend to look at my GP results, thank God I passed, and managed to get a B. But still, I cried tears of disappointment, I didn't do well for my H1 econs. When I saw that C, I couldn't control and I cried. I called my mum, while crying. I made her cry, too. She's just so emotional. Then I remembered what I told God the night before, that all I wanted was to pass all my physics and get my A for chem. And then it occurred to me that I got A for physics and chem. I felt stupid for crying. Why wasn't I satisfied with what I got? Hadn't I expected to get a C for physics, a B for Chem and an A for Math? On that stage, I knew God was telling me something, I knew he wanted to teach me to trust him. He has my future in his hands, and yet I was so afraid to be even in the hall, I just left the hall. I felt very upset that I cried for my H1. God has given me more than what I wanted and expected, and yet I couldn't trust him enough to stay in the hall and have that peace he always gives. But I know now, God planned this, He wanted me to learn to trust him, to know that he hears me. :')

And yes, start giving, start serving with my 5 loaves and 2 fishes :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A level results. :S 

Really don't know what to expect. But somehow I'm not as worrried as I was for O levels. Maybe 'cause I'm older now. Hmm, I think it's because I have a closer walk with God now :) My future is already planned out! I'm still quite fearful of collecting my results though! Must keep telling myself, God holds my future in his hand, and I'm sure he'll want only the BEST for me :)


Monday, February 20, 2012

Saying goodbye.

Today in school, three NIE trainee teachers came. One of them will be taking over 1H. The sad thing is, I might not be able to teach them till the end of this term. Maybe after I'm done with the current chapter, 1H will be handed over to the NIE teacher. I mean it's good that they'll have an experienced teacher, cause I really kinda suck. But I'll really really miss them! Thought I'll have three more weeks. Maybe for now, one more week only? :(

Started writing the letters for them. I feel so sad writing them. :( sigh.

Probably after next week, I'll only have one class. I mean, it's good that I'll be less stressed. But it's so sad to see 1H in school and know that I'm no longer their teacher :( thankfully I still have one class. :") I love 2M too, but seriously it's damn sad to say goodbye, when I still get to see them. It's like so near yet so far! :(

Sigh, I guess when I leave this place, I'll be damn sad.

Saying goodbye really is hard.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

3 more weeks

Time really flies. I thought I had four more weeks. But actually it's only 3. I'll miss my students a lot. :( But I am really in need of rest.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'll take that step of faith.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


But I'm not happy anymore :/ 'cause I'm back in Singapore. And my relatives are probably watching a movie together now. We always watch a movie together on the 3rd day of cny. :( SIGH. WHY DO I LIVE HERE.

Nevermind. At least I got my wish :) I made friends with my adorable two yo cousin. And he hugged me super tightly when my uncle lit the firecrackers! YAY.

 Most adorable toddler ever :)

 Joel & I are always into CNY HAHA, so RED.

I have other adorable cousins too :)

I'm seriously missing them already. Especially Miriam, :( she's like a sister to me.

Ah well, time passes pretty fast eh? Next holiday better come quick!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

First week of teaching

The week hasn't ended but it felt really long already. Teaching definitely isn't easy and teachers are definitely damn 伟大. On my first day I really expected to like do nothing but observe lessons. To my HORROR, I was actually told that I had to teach a sec 1 class as that class didn't have a teacher. Then suddenly I had like stacks of worksheets handed to me. Wow...shocking. But thankfully it was a sec 1 class and what I had to do was easy. Since its their first lesson that day cause last week was orientation, so all I had to do was introduction and then teach them a bit of stats very briefly. The girls weren't how I expected them to be. I thought they would be shy and quiet since they are sec 1s. But they are actually a lively bunch! And I really enjoy lessons with them. They're so inquisitive. However, they sometimes ask really random questions like why do you always wear dresses and sadly, why are your shoes so ugly. (To my defense, I was wearing court shoes that day! Court shoes are never pretty okay!). Haha.

I have another class, a sec 2 class, which I haven't started teaching. This week is just observation and I'll start teaching them next week. I'm actually really scared because my teacher-mentor said he'll observe at least one lesson per week for the sec 2 class. Nervous. I don't think I can teach well with someone else evaluating me :/ but ah well, I chose this right haha. It will help me become braver I think! But I do have one worry, the sec 2 class seems to be really quiet. So how... :/ later I won't know if they understood my teaching or not.

Oh! My cca is girl guides! The teachers there are all really really friendly and one of them shared with us a lot about her experiences as a teacher, though that kinda caused me to have second thoughts about being a teacher, which was my dream since pri sch. :S It's like teaching has so much responsibilities. Am I up for it? But at least now I'm really enjoying this experience a whole lot! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

TIP :)

Wee~ Finished the three day training for TIP. Trainer was awesome cause he's damn funny. I learned like a lot. Teaching is not easy definitely! Oh and teachers really do have quite a number of tips & tricks up their sleeves :) When teachers put your name in whatever she's saying, its probably cause you weren't paying attention and she's trying to get your attention. Cool right, I never knew, I always thought it was just for the class to laugh or something. I miss the training actually, though it gets a tad bit boring sometimes, only sometimes! I feel like I'm laughing throughout the lesson! Trainer's super funny and damn nice too. He gave us all chocolates! Oh yah, the training made me want teaching MORE :)

 And I just got an email from Math HOD of MGS. I'm assigned a sec 1 and sec 2 math class. I'm quite excited but I'm really sad too, cause I really wanna teach chem. Sigh :/ Then now I won't know what to study next time. Like, Chemistry is definitely more fun! But seems like math would be easier to teach right. Anyway, see how the internship goes I guess! Can't wait to experience being a teacher! Thinking of all these make me super worried for A level results :/ 1st week of march... :S Please let me do okay enough to get into math or chem! But for now, at least my life is quite enjoyable. And and I can't stop thinking about CNY and my cute cousins! 

Just look at how adorable they are :) Photos from last CNY. I just love CNY where the whole family gathers! I love my aunties & uncles too, always nice to talk and joke around with them <3


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

HAPPY 2012 :)

Wow I haven't blogged in a year. I better get good A level results for this HAHA. I can't believe it's 2012 already. TOO FAST. But I've enjoyed my holidays so far. Went to US last december, with my awesome relatives. I love my aunt, she's crazy funny! Sigh, after I came back to SG, I have this "sian" feeling, the one you have when you know sch's reopening. :/ Not that I have sch now, but I have a teaching intern starting next week. Damn, I was so happy & excited when I got it, but now, I'm damn nervous, wts :( The "sian" feeling won't go away!

Nevermind, I'm gonna meet up with siewhoon later on and we're gonna catch a movie! Shall enjoy myself to the fullest later before training starts tmr :(

Oh must write this down so I'll remember. The start of 2012, I was alone on bus 176, so I counted down alone on a bus, HAHA pathetic :) But had an awesome dinner with cell group. But still, it seems so loser wts HAHA.

AHHH! I miss US and my relatives :) But in two/three weeks, it's CNY! GUESS WHERE I'M OFF TO! MALAYSIA :) I'm gonna see my super adorable baby cousin! :)

Highlights of my holiday trip

16 hours on the plane was crazy but worthwhile! First time there :)

Super cute boy! The pooh bear outfit is just adorable! Look at the fake tummy :) I saw this little boy twice! And twice he smiled at me shyly :) Awww, damn, I need to find a caucasian husband. Or else I'll have a adopt one HAHA.

This was delicious! It's like marshmallow and cake and coated with chocolate PLUS it's in the shape of mickey mouse. HAHA wts I sound damn stupid here.
First time taking a helicopter! Mum was hilarious. She totally wasted 298USD. She sat on the helicopter with her eyes closed. The view was amazing, you can see how deep the grand canyon is.

Boat ride at the bottom of grand canyon.

Mouthwatering seafood. Nice view of some sea or river, I have no idea HAHA.

Closer look. Look at how juicy the scallop is.

Cheesecake factory's bread. It's delicious please! Cause it's served hot and when you spread butter it's just yummy wts. Maybe it's cause I just love bread. You know, airplane food right, my fave is always the bread and butter HAHA.


The cheesecake there, needless to say, melt in your mouth kind.

BEST eggtart ever okay! From Chinatown in San Fran. We queued for like an hour, NOT LYING.

I know this is just a pic of the interior of the bus! But SG buses do not have seats in this section okay!

I seriously miss US. :( Sad to be back.

Awesome relatives that went :) Love them all :) (Sad thing was my Dad couldn't go because of work)

HAPPY 2012. :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Got myself another blog!

Well, Siewhoon asked if I wanted to share a blog with her and I agreed. Cause I miss blogging but don't want my blog to revive and only to die again. So, I'll be sharing a blog with Siewhoon. And she's super NICE to create the blog and edit everything. <3

Omg I srsly miss talking to myself on my blog!

Okay bye exhaust pipe (no laughing pls, if there is still even anyone passing by). And hello new blog! Relink if you're free.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Really proud of myself :) I've finish reading the chengyus for mother tongue already! Like omgosh! Hope I can remember them well. MT should be a subject that we can score!!!! Wonder if I should take my Hao zuo wen book to memorize some cheem phrases to put in my compos lol :) Okay, bye! Srsly, I was really bored, so I came to blog.

Monday, June 21, 2010

hello dead blog!

Decided to revive my blog lol. Hopefully some kind soul would drop by and breathe some life into it. Anyway, in case anyone is interested (well, I'm sure no one is though), I'm so in love with 2pm's Nichkhun and Junsu and maybe, tacyeon. Okay, maybe I'm a little mad. I'm meeting up with sec sch clique tomorrow! Hey, why don't we have a name! :( Haha, or we shall be what Ruifang calls us - JEFI and gang. Haha. Quite cute, isn't it? Anyway, we're gonna have a picnic! <3 you guys! Can't wait to see them! School reopens next week. Terms! By the way, I'm really glad I'm done with math revision. At least I finish one subject. Based on my planned schedule, which constantly changes due to my mood, i'll finish revision by Saturday :) I hope I will. Math was supposed to be finished last week. But it's still okay, better late than never. Another thing, I'm really addicted to twitter. Ruifang's fault! Lol. Twitter rockkkks. I can follow my nichkhun and junsu. Hahaha. Oh and another thing, I really have to say this! Jessica wrote 'Everything happens for a reason' at her lj profile. I mean like seriously!! She says nichkhun is the member she liked the least and yet she puts the part of the song that nichkhun sings! Hahaha! Listen. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. Nichkhun rockkks! Jess, stop denying! :) Okay, bye!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

JSS :)

Went back to JSS on friday with Yunli & Ruifang! :) Hahaha, we left a note for Mr Ng @ his car, wonder if he'll see it! I hope he does! So cool manz. Haha, and we took quite a few random photos! And one with Mr Lau too! :) I think he's really funny!

Really very busy with school. :( Havent blogged for so long. Not that anyone is reading my blog tho' :( Ahh, whatever...

Anyway, I saw JingYi's sec sch photo! I rockkkkk. (Because I spotted her at the prom photos section okay!) And I'm really very shocked about the curly thing, seriously... :S Like OMGOSH, how can there be such a THING? Madness... Hmm, maybe Jingyi's one too.... LOL.

I can't wait for the June breakkkkkk. I can't wait to go out. And I hope my cousins would come again. (We're too lazy to go to M'sia and too busy also.)

Okay, I srsly have to say this! The 1hr20mins PE sucks like what. That disgusting, smelly equipment! Argh. I think archery srsly rocks manzzz.

And there's that stupid, pointless NAPFA coming up. I'm so gonna fail it... :( But I don't want the remedial thing. :(

And and srsly, why does chickeo think that my blog add is funny! It's like so unique! I bet they're jealous! (Hope you guys read this)

Okay, bye!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

JC life sucks.

Project work seriously seriously suck. :( The PI's already driving me CRAZY.

I think I going mad soon. :/ Seriously, I'm dying from Math & Chem & Phy & MT :(

GRRR. Why do I always get 1/10 for the chinese thing! Twice already! :( I put in quite a reasonable sum of effort manz!

Anyway, got PW groupings today! JESSICA IS IN MY GROUP! We're so lucky~! Hmm, maybe Jess don't find it lucky....since she doesn't like me... )': LOL! BUT ANYWAY! I WANT TO ANNOUCE THAT I'M THE VP OF JESSICAFOREVER FAN CLUB. LOL. But sooner or later IM GONNA BE THE PRES I TELL YOU! :) LOL. (Thankfully, I'm not the bodyguards, lol!) AND I'M SO SO SO GLAD I GOT SOMEONE TO GO TUITION WITH ALREADY!

Ahhh, When will the JUNE holidays come?! :(

Monday, March 29, 2010


I totally love it! (But I'm still a little sore about not going to the haunted houses.) But it's okay, Im definitely going for Fun O Rama 21! :) Chickeo, we better go together!

Haha, the funniest thing that happened was stuffing stuff into Jesskhoo's bag! Seriously, I feel that we should have bought the 3 for $2 pineapples and dump there in her bag!

Today's half day! Only had chapel and did some survey thing and then off we go! Mcdonald's breakfast! Hot cakes plus sausauge = Yummy! Yi-pok's the odd one out! (Omgosh, I still can't help but laugh each time I see/hear/say "Yi-pok")

Spongebob highlighters and smiley erasers! :) Super cool~

Friday, March 19, 2010

March holiday!

Like finally.

18/03: Vivo with Kel, Ying, Yun, Rf, Pris! :D (Hai, Ky, Kx & Mx couldn't go) Every outing with them = FUN! Love ya guys! (I

Relatives from M'sia came on that day too! Cousins!
Hee, going to Universal Studio tomorrow~! Excited! (But I bet it's gonna be super packed)

2 days left of the holidays :( How sad.

When will June come? :(

Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm back!

Haven't blogged for like months (Okay, it's actually less than 2 months). Ha, actually, quite a lot of times I really had that urge to blog, but just didn't have the time. So my blog has became really dead right now. Ha, I wonder if anyone will still drop by.

School life has been hectic (I miss the Dec holidays a lot). But I'm really glad I'm made some really great friends at school. One reminded me of Ruifang (Kinda cool, huh!). She's really like Ruifang.

I quitted CO (Sorry, Yunli!). Hmm, I just didn't really have the interest there, I guess.

Seriously, I think I'm quite lame at times (Okay, I admit this is quite random).

Haha, I can't believe I can't control myself not to lift up my head when I laugh. (I must have looked quite funny). Ah, whatever, it's okay if noone understands that. Lol.

Okay, a short post this time round. I'll reply tags some other time (not that I have many, lol).


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My dear friends.

Tomorrow we'll all know our posting results and perhaps we'll go on our separate ways from there.

Read Ruifang's post about friends quite a few days ago and I felt that I too, wanted to let my friends know how I feel about each of them.

AngKaiXin: Kaixin, I've known you for the longest but I think we've only become closer in the recent years, and I'm glad we did. Although we may have multiple quarrels in the past, I'm sure they don't matter and I don't even think I can remember any of them, anyway. Besides, friendships that don't break over quarrels are stronger and I'm sure ours have become stronger! Also, thank you, for all your concern. Sometimes when I'm frustrated or upset, you'll ask me how I feel and we'll talk and it really does brighten my day. And I really like the times when I sit beside you in class, it was really fun & funny(Remember the liquid fluid incident with Mr Ng? Hahaha!). And, it was really nice to go home with you, we'll observe the people around the MRT and perhaps gossip about them(Haha!).

ChinYingLing: Yingling, I can still remember myself not really daring to speak to you at first because you seem to be the serious kind of person. Of course I'm glad that we did speak and went on to be good friends. Ha, and I found out you're not that serious afterall. In fact, you're really great to be with! It was really fun having all those crappy conversations. I can't help laughing thinking about those conversations. Also, I really like your laughter! I can still remember those PE lessons, where you'll laugh really hard. At least there's someone who laughs as hard as I do, afterall, we're "sisters", aren't we?

KellyWongLiLin: Kelly, although we've only became closer in sec 4, you're really a great friend to me. I really enjoy the few minutes-before-assembly, chit-chatting, joking and "disturbing" you. It was really fun and so full of laughter. I'll really miss that. When I'm down, you'll give that pat on the back. I'm not sure if you realise but you really do give people pats on their back. What I want to say is that, it really does help, especially if it's accompanied by your smile. And I really enjoy seeing how you "defend" yourself when I spout all those "lies" about you. Really, you are very cute when you make that "angry" look and say "Veh ler rieee..." in that "angry" tone(Haha!).

SeeMinXian: Minxian, I got to know you more because of Kayin. At first, I thought you were the quiet kind but you're actually the opposite(haha!). It was really fun poking you from the back and then denying that it was me. And, also, you're the only one that agrees with me about Jam Hsiao! All those jokes, all those teases, all those laughter - they were all very great! I don't know if you'll see this, but still, I want to thank you for bringing laughter into my sec 4 life!

TanKaYin: Kayin, I got to know you from siewhoon in sec2 but we didn't really speak. When we first started Sec3, I don't deny but I was really afraid of you at first because you looked pretty fierce to me(haha). But still, we became good friends. I really enjoy when we're table mates in Sec3, where you'll always "scold" and "bully" me and also "force" me to shift my table away! I can also remember that we made alot of the paper bands thingy, haha, the one that cures all sort of "illness" like madness, etc. Haha, it was all very childish but fun and so full of laughter. And do you remember that we keep talking about "idols"? Also, talking to you on Msn when I'm down always just makes me feel better, thank you, Kayin!

TeeYunLi: Yunli, I'm glad our index numbers are near so that I can get to know you. I'll miss mother tongue lessons sitting with you and talking a lot, sometimes getting scolded by Mdm Tay. And after that when Chinese O level was over, you keep stealing the "teacher's chair" when we watch the san mao and xiao dang jia shows! Joking with you was really great fun, haha, the san mao song~. Being together with you is very fun, because I really enjoy teasing you. And it was all real fun when we "fight" about who is better looking (and you keep saying those on my table are not good-looking). And you're the naughtiest "daughter" I have, and perhaps the most perverted(too many examples to list) too? Haha.

TeoRuiFang: Ruifang, I've seen you plenty of times in sec1 because of Kaixin. Even though you've got the friendly look, I still didn't really talk much to you until Mr Ng change our seating arrangements and I sat with you and we became much closer. It was really fun. Haha, and you keep saying that I'm mad. How mean can you get? All the chit-chatting at the table was real fun. But I have to admit, I was a wee bit noisy(Okay, fine! I was very noisy). Haha, it was great to be your friend. All those fun times talking nonsense and laughing, I really do miss them, really. Sometimes we may have small conflicts but all friendships have them, and I believe it strengthens our friendship.

I'll really miss these friends, really. I can't imagine school without them. But I'm sure even if we are not together, the memories we've shared will always be remembered, right? :)

I love you guys, a lot.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yesterday = FUN. :)

Had a great time yesterday with Yunli, Kaixin, Yingling, Kelly, Priscilla & Kayin coming over to my house! :D Met them at Westmall & we ate at Pastamania! But I didn't eat pasta! Ate baked rice. Don't like pasta. Haha. On the bus home was real funny! Kaixin is such a naughty girl~! Keep poking kayin from the back! Yunli too! Haha.

Played wii! Wii wasn't that found without all these friends!

Played a dancing game. I think this game was played for a very long time! & I never knew this game could be that fun! Haha. But it's tiring too.

Played monopoly afterwards! Kayin is damn funny! Keep asking non-stop for people to sell her their properties, even if they weren't any use to her like that brown coloured one. Lol, I think she wanted that only for the colour!

Took a photo before they left:
I like this photo alot! :) & I love you guys alot!

Okay, goodbye!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

nothing in particular

I feel uneasy, very uneasy. Why can't people just understand each other? Why is communication just so difficult? I can only give up.

Ah, whatever it is, I'm not gonna care, anymore.

Shall talk about something else. I think I want to watch 海派甜心 & 下一站,幸福! Seems real nice.

Don't really have much to say. I wonder when the posting results will be out.

Joel's gonna have french lesson today! Can't wait for him to be back!

Okay, goodbye~

Friday, January 15, 2010


I've submitted my choices already. Won't be regretting, I hope. :S Anyway, wherever I go, I hope there will be someonw I know! Hey, it's a rhyme! See ~, I'm so talented! HAHA!

Haven't got much to blog about lately. :/ Seriously, I'm bored like whattttttt. It's like always home alone. :( Even reading books don't seem to be that nice already. Watched Inglourious Basterds yesterday, Dad's friend loaned it to him. I find it quite funny at some parts! And SERIOUSLY, I REALLY LIKE THAT AMERICAN ACCENT! Damn cool~!

I've got a real sad thing to say. I didn't watch The Treasure Hunter! Walao, my Jaychou! But nevermind, I will surely try to watch it somehow, somewhere. But how long will I have to wait...

Okay, anybody got any nice movies/dramas to recommend? 'cause I really have got nothing to do at home. I don't want to rot! But anyway, watching, watching & watching, is like rotting right? LOL.

Anyway, just a random thing, I think Xiaogui is damn cute! Hahaha! :) Another random thought, Evangeline is a really nice name! :) Anyway, I hope Serene sees this: Xiaogui is better looking than your husband! :)

"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening; but no matter how hard death tries, it can't separate people from love." Read this from a book; really true I would say. Quite cool, huh? I can see everyone saying 'yes'. Heh, actually, I wrote it~! Lol. :/

I want to rollerblade~!

Okay, bye!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Seriously, I have no idea of where I really want to go. I thought for sure I would want Anderson but I'm having second thoughts now. Really, it's not easy to choose. All JCs have their goods & bads, but their 'bads' really make me so turned off. Argh. I'm going to submit the thing today, but I keep changing my choices. :/ But I'm pretty sure I want a JC.

Joel had his 1st french lesson on Tues. Seriously, the way certain alphabets are pronounced is really funny! Haha, I realise I keep talking about Joel's french thing. Okay, maybe the reason is that I wish I were him! I mean isn't it just like so 'Wow~' to be able to learn such a beautiful language? Or maybe I'm just too good a sister that Joel just KEEPS coming to my mind? Hahaha.

Dad's going to KL today. Sigh, and we'll have no one to bring us out for meals. I don't really like what the maid cooks, but actually home-cooked food should be really nice right? But I really kinda sick of eating almost the same kind of food everyday. Don't get me wrong, I'm not picky! Haha.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Got back my results yesterday and I'm happy with it, especially with physics, the science I like most but always seem to score the worst of the 3.

Took a peep at Joel's french textbooks, don't even understand a single shit. Haha, and man, the textbooks are damn expensive, even tho' they are like so thin. Lol. Today he's gonna take his 1st french lesson! So cool~. When he gets back, he had better teach me! Hopefully next time we can speak secrets aloud without our parents even knowing. Haha.

Been deciding where I want to go, but I don't really know what I want to be in the future. :/ I think I will submit the thing on thursday; friday will be too early. Don't know if I will fill all the 12 choices. Lol.

Okay, goodbye!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Results will be out tomorrow. Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety. Ah well, I shan't gonna talk about it, it ruins mood(s).

Anyway, Joel's appeal to study french instead of Jap was successful! I'm so gonna make him teach me whatever he learns.

Joel's good looking, right? Haha, took this photo during his whatever investiture on Fri.

Heh, seriously, I feel that he's grown alot, both physically and mentally. Haha, he's already my height(Please hold back your laughter!).
Went for SP & NP's open house. I find optometry quite cool.
Alright, goodbye. Wow, I really have super short posts lately. Zzz.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mdm Tay!

Haven't blogged for quite a while.

Went for lunch with Mdm Tay and classmates. :) Was fun & Mdm Tay's a really cute person! :) Haha.

Have moved, for quite a few days already. Moving is fun but tiring. :/

Gonna watch Alvin & the chipmunks2 later. :D

Goodbye! :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Haven't blogged for quite a few days, was far too bored. Each day seemed to get longer & longer. :/

I owe alot of people presents huh. :S Kelly, Ruifang & Yunli, so paiseh! Heh heh. Hai, we gotta go out real soon. Heh, thankfully Kaixin stays nearby, haha. :) Kaixin, thanks for the chocolates, they're very nice! :)

Watched Avatar last week. Seriously, if you wear specs, don't watch any movies in 3D, it would suck, haha. It's real difficult to keep the 3D glasses thingy on if you wear specs :/. But the movie's nice! :) I want to watch The Treasure Hunter. Jay rocks! Heh, but I think he looks kinda uglier in the movie :/. He looked so much cuter in Kung Fu Dunk last time!

My house's pretty messy now, been slowly packing up, and there are loads of boxes stacked up. Really ugly too, lol. Don't really know the exact date I'll be moving, new house's still under renovation. :/

Siewhoon came over yesterday; fun! Having more people to play wii is defimitely better than just Joel & I. Thanks for your christmas presents, they rock! :) & hope you'll like mine too. && we better catch Alvin & the chipmunks 2 together! :) Heh heh.

I don't really have anything to blog about, don't really like to use this comp, prefer dad's. But dad's one had some prob. :(

Joel's gonna report to his new school tomorrow; how cool. Heh, I'm school-less :/. He's taking 3rd language; the other time he placed Jap as his 1st choice but now he's like regretting not choosing french. :/ Hope the school's gonna help him & let him change his choice, lol! I think french is a whole lot cooler!

Seriously, I think I'mcontradicting myself. Time reallt flies if you think of the day that results will be released, yet time passes so darn slowly 'cause you've got nothing to do. :/

I've got no more piano lessons this year, lol.

Okay, nothing already! :)


Tag replies:
Serene: Heh, yeah. He's got like ard 55 marks more than me. :( Yeah, Beckham's real cute! Ha, but Joel's really tall now, he's gonna be taller than me soon. :( I missed you alot alot too!
Kayin: Ha, so what school's he going to?
Jianda: Tell me when the date's confirmed kay? Thanks! :)
Kaixin: Didn't know you were THAT funny horh... lol! & I've blogged~!
Yunli: Hahah! See? I'm really very pro! LOL, joking only ah!
Kaixin: You're welcome! :) I like your chocolates alot!
Jianda: Ohkay.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Joel started his holidays already. Lol. Last friday he had his Grad ceremony, and because Mum & Dad both can't make it, I had to go! & It's like 4 hours! Fancy sitting on a hard (okay, maybe it wasn't really hard) chair among a sea of parents trying take photographs of their children. All those flashlights. Haha, they got a cute bear as a momento. Hmm, this thursday PSLE results will be out. Bet you a million bucks Joel is scared like shittt. But he's got DSA already, how good. This makes me worry for my results day, Lol.

I spend almost the whole of saturday reading a book - Souls of Angels - by Thomas Eidson. It's a really nice book! It's scary, touching(Maybe I teared a little) and with a tiny bit of humour(just a tiny bit). This book had someone being followed and almost murdered, and that night when I slept, I dreamt that I was like gonna get murdered, Lol! Currently reading another book - Ten thousand sorrows. Even the title seems nice, right? Finally after O levels, I can read, and read, and read. Heh, just hope my specs won't become thicker, and thicker, and thicker.

I'm going to Malaysia this Friday, and from there, will go to Yunnan together with my relatives. So I'll probably be back in S'pore on Dec 11 or 12. How sad ): I don't really think I can use the comp at M'sia. But on the bright side, I get to miss a few piano lessons? 'cause I haven't really been practising. ): So I gotta catch up.

Okay, gotta go! :)

Tag Replies:
Kaixin: Just by a little only mah! (: Haha!
Jolene: Haha (: Heh, if you tagged what I thought you tagged, I'm so gonna put a big sad face, Lol, jk. :D
Yunli: So? Old means more experienced and more knowlegable, don't you know? :D
Serene: You're childish too! :D Pls lah, I also like JayChou all the way lei, I only add on. :D
Siying: HELLO! :D
Ruifang: I thought I told you I see the doc everyday? :D
Jianda: Wah, you very funny horh... -.-". Linked you! Okay, ty! :D
Yunli: Hmm, maybe u can ask someone out? (hope you know who I meant!)
Ruifang: Seriously, urs is even worse! Update pls! :D
Peijun: Yo! :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009


14th to 19th Nov; these long days have changed my feelings dramatically. I can't believe I'm actually starting to feel bored right now! & I still have such a long holiday to go on. During all the exam periods in school, I was so so so looking forward to this. & yet I changed from ':D' to ':/' after less than a week of the holidays. ): How sad.

2012's a nice movie! But a very long one, I rushed to the toilet like twice! Shouldn't have drank so much. There were many sad parts in the story, very very touching.

Oh and before O's was over, I was miss blogging alot. & now, I don't really think I've got anything to blog about. Weird huh?

Is there anything fun one could do at home?

& I can't wait to go to M'sia, I miss them so so much! & I can't wait to see my uncle get married, haha! He's the nicest uncle ever! :D

Tag Replies:
Kayin(Ryan): Haha, yea, I know! We can go on being childish tgt! :D & laugh at the OLD ruifang!(I sure hope Ruifang sees this!)
Ruifang: Seriously, you do need to! You want the phone number? haha! :D I underline SZY's name because I like? Lol. (: "Great friends" is put in my heart one, okay? LOL (:
Jolene: Yea! He's v v cute! :D Lol, at first I thought you wrote "I didnt like 黃靖倫". Haha! :D
Kaixin: haha, yea, that's because you're OLD (lol, joking!). Ha, actually, you're younger than me, but I've seen you grow too! :D
Serene: Haha! Relinked! :D Lol, you've got the LONGEST blog add I've ever seen! Lol! You really do know me huh, thanks for telling that there's 35 Es! Ha, I seriosuly font want my eyesight to worse, LOL.
Kaixin: actually I do! :D But I think we online at different times? I mostly in the afternoon. U at night?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Secondary school life.

I haven't blogged for a really long time; obviously I'm glad that I can blog now since the O's already over. But it's also obvious that secondary school life has come to an end. And I'm really gonna miss 4-5 and all my lovely lovely friends; Kayin, Kaixin, Kelly, Ruifang, Yunli, Yingling & Minxian. :D I would say, time really flies. One minute you're just making some friends and the next minute, you're saying goodbye. But I'm really glad I've made these friends! :]

Throughout the 4 years, I would say I've changed quite a bit. As I looked through the blog archives just now, I realised I was really quite childish previously. Ha, I know maybe I'm still kinda immature now (which ruifang would always say, haha), but I guess I have grown alot. Hey, actually, I don't really think I'm childish, haha. Ruifang, maybe you need to go to the clinic under my house (hope you understand what this means, lol!).

I would really like to talk about the O level, but that would be too long. But I do want to say that I hope we'll all get our desired results. (:

I've changed my blog address. You there, you must be laughing by now and perhaps thinking "Who would use 'exhaust pipe'?! That's ridiculous!". Haha, continue laughing. But actually I feel that a blog is actually like an exhaust pipe for me, my brain's exhaust pipe. But I'm not saying that what I blog about are like waste gases, okay? Haha! :D Oh, and I really do miss blogging, haha. :]

And the grad lunch was great! It was really fun to just sit together with your friends and talk and talk and talk. (:

Okay, I think that's all. Goodbye! :D